Advocacy OverviewLegislators - Use HLA Maryland as Your ResourceWe understand first-hand how health care legislation affects the day to day environment of medical care in our state. Whether the issue is quality, access, cost, or administrative process, our members’ expertise comes from its depth of hands on experience in Maryland. Our members are willing to provide you with data from surveys of medical practices to assist you with your decision making on health care legislation. We also serve as expert witnesses to provide factual testimony on legislation pending before the legislature. We are the medical practice management professionals that work alongside physicians and their patients to support quality medical care. We would like to be a resource to you, our elected official, by providing data and testimony that impact decisions on healthcare delivery in Maryland. Our volunteer leaders are eager to work with the Maryland General Assembly for our patients and our community. Our mission is to be the recognized resource for improving the performance of medical practice management professionals using education, collaboration, advocacy, and leadership to inspire innovative, effective, and economical management processes. The members of the Healthcare Leaders Association of Maryland represent thousands of jobs throughout Maryland. Our members direct, oversee, and formulate day to day health care operations. Our message is simple: ENHANCE THE ENVIRONMENT OF CARE IN MARYLAND